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Celebrate Recovery Kicks Off Weekly Meetings in Newton, Beginning January 7

Image courtesy of Celebrate Recovery, Newton. Image courtesy of Celebrate Recovery, Newton.

The Celebrate Recovery Program, which is free and open to the public, is kicking off meetings beginning on January 7 at 6:30 p.m. at Christ Community Church in Newton.

Celebrate Recovery Program offers weekly to support people with emotional struggles, relational issues, addictions, or any thoughts and behaviors that interfere with a joyful life. Celebrate Recovery is an international program that has years of success and for the first time is being offered in Newton. This is an ongoing program based on Christian principles as applied to the 12 Steps and the 8 Beatitudes. The only requirement is a desire to come and listen. The groups are run by trained leaders and they offer a safe, confidential, and positive place to participate with other people looking for healing. We are regular people looking for help with hurts, habits, or hang-ups. There is no financial or commitment obligation. Celebrate Recovery meets every Tuesday evening at Christ Community Church in Newton. The program starts with fellowship and coffee at 6:30pm. A large group meeting starts at 7pm with Biblically-based teachings and music. At 8pm, small sharing groups are offered based on specific issues. These small groups are divided into men’s and women’s groups and are safe places to give and receive positive support for individual needs.

Please join us for our first meeting on January 7th at 274 Spring Street, Station House Plaza, Newton. For more information call 973-579-2706 or go to We offer fellowship and a program of hope.

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