JFK Jr.’s Interest in a New York Senate Run; His Death; Hillary Clinton’s Rise in the Senate

He was America’s favorite son who they embraced as he was photographed in his father’s chair, or as he peered from the secret door in the Resolute Desk as his father, President John F. Kennedy worked.

The senior John F. Kennedy smiles widely at the appearance of his daughter Caroline and son John Jr. on Halloween, 1963, less than a month before his assassination. NARA public domain image.
The iconic photo is a reminder of a more tranquil generation in 1962, before the nation was shattered as his father was brutally murdered by gunfire in Dallas the following year. Then John F. Kennedy Jr. aka JFK Jr. or “John John” charmed the world once again but in a bittersweet way, as he stood with his family, all dressed in black, to mourn his slain father. Wearing a powder blue coat that matched the one his elder sister Caroline wore, the sweet little boy poignantly raised his arm to his forehead in a salute, as his father’s American flag draped coffin was wheeled by, preceded by a team of white horses.

JFK Jr. wipes a tear from his eye as he holds his mother’s hand on Nov. 24, 1963. Public domain image by NARA.
Both of these memorable images have stayed on the conscious of the American people for years of a little boy who evolved into a handsome and likable man. He was born on Nov. 25, 1960, only days after his father was elected, and was the youngest child ever to inhabit the White House. After “John John” and his sister Caroline transitioned with their mother Jacqueline Kennedy out of the White House following their father’s assassination in 1963, they relocated to New York City.
It was the second assassination in the family, this time of his uncle, Robert Kennedy in 1968 that set his mother into fear mode. “If they’re killing Kennedys, then my children are targets,” she said. “I want to get out of this country.”

Jacqueline Kennedy with son John John in the White House nursery in Aug. 1962. NARA Public domain image.
Jacqueline married Aristotle Onassis that year, and then relocated with the children temporarily to his island, Skorpios. Some have said that JFK Jr. referred to Onassis as a “joke.” One person who lived in JFK Jr.’s building as the two were adults in Manhattan, commented on a website thread that a reliable source told her following John John’s death that Onassis molested his stepson. Following Onassis’s death in 1975, he willed $25,000 to Jr. but his mother renegotiated the will and received $20 million.
Young JFK was schooled in private schools in Manhattan, before graduating high school from Phillips Andover Academy in Massachusetts. Throughout his childhood, he toured the world on humanitarian missions with his mother, and continued so into college. He graduated from Brown University in 1983 with a degree in American Studies. He continued his non-profit work through his law school days, with a heart for public service his entire life.
Though born into privilege, JFK Jr. still believed in hard work and humbly accepted his first job working in the Office of Business Development for $20,000, pleasing his boss as he toiled at his small desk like his co-workers. He dabbled in acting as well, something he enjoyed at Brown, starring in a play at the Irish Theater, with the theater brass describing him as “one of the best young actors I’ve seen in years,” and having “an earnestness that just shines through.” He also had a role in an episode of Murphy Brown, to peddle George, the brainchild magazine he created.
In 1989 he graduated from New York University Law School. Though he failed the bar two times, he passed a year later. He landed a job at the Manhattan district attorney’s office as a prosecutor. Many who would pass the unassuming man in the elevator at the district attorney’s office, described him as friendly, and a person who often brown bagged his lunch, eating in one of the nearby parks.
Among many of his interests and career reaches was journalism. He penned an article with The New York Times about an expedition where he saved one of his friends from a drowning incident after his kayak capsized. Blended with journalism was his innate love of politics. He attended the Democratic Conventions and also rallied with his cousin Patrick Kennedy, posing for photos near the polls when his cousin sought a seat in Rhode Island’s House of Representatives. Needless to say, Patrick won the seat, and the two reprised the photo op for his cousin’s second run in 1994.
But it was George that was his baby, launched in 1995. His wish was to host a political magazine that was accessible, compelling and entertaining. Even Ann Coulter called Kennedy’s magazine a “political magazine, not a Democratic magazine.” One would predict the son of one of the nation’s most revered Democrats would walk the progressive line, but he even described one of his liberal columnists to Coulter as a “predictable bore.”
And no one was off limits to the outspoken young Kennedy, who referred to his own cousins in the Sept. 1997 edition, Michael LeMoyne Kennedy and Joseph P. Kennedy II as “poster boys for bad behaviors.”
The magazine was bought out following Kennedy’s death, and without his lifeblood behind the helm, ceased publication two years after he died.
Along the way, Kennedy suggested his run for office would be something of interest for his future. His uncle Ted Kennedy reportedly hoped that his nephew would put his hat in the ring for New York’s Gubernatorial Race in 2002, and John John would make his way back to the White House, this time as President.
The Clintons’ Move to Chappaqua
In 1999, the Clintons were already making plans about their departure from the White House in Jan. 2001. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan discussed his retirement, and the pair purchased a home in Chappaqua. Hillary Clinton was gearing up to run for Moynihan’s seat in the 2000 election. Before this time, the Clintons never set foot in the State of New York as residents, nor been very involved in the state’s politics. Opponents, and many residents viewed Hillary Clinton as a “carpetbagger.” Chappaqua citizens feared the influx of media and curious tourists disturbing their idyllic life.

Bill Clinton, with Bob Castelli and Andrew Cuomo in the Chappaqua Memorial Day Parade, 2012, creative commons image.
But, as the Washington Post noted in Sept. 1999 that, while many departed Chappaqua after their children finished high school, “While the Clintons are unusual for moving in when their daughter is already in college, a potential Senate candidate under suspicion of being a carpetbagger might feel at home here. Almost everyone in Chappaqua is from somewhere else.”
Many Chappaqua residents were upset, with roads requiring closures when the Clintons came into town, with shop owners losing business.
Other felt that if Hillary Clinton lost the Senate vote, “they’ll be out of here.”
But as of 2016, the Clintons have still remained Chappaqua residents. Additionally, though the Clintons have called themselves “dead broke,” Info Wars revealed that they own several mansions, and lived in all four, which total $31 million, with their estimated collective salary approximately $55 million.
JFK Jr.’s Consideration of a New York Senate Run
While Hillary Clinton claimed residency in Chappaqua to secure a potential senate seat in 2000, moving in only a couple of months after JFK Jr. tragically died, junior lived less pretentiously. It was Manhattan’s neighborhood of TriBeCa where he was often spotted walking his dog, rollerblading, or hopping on his bike to work. Rather than an intrusion to life as they knew it, though an upscale region of the city, residents who lived there admired Kennedy’s comfortable attitude, and following his death mourned him not as a resident celebrity, but as a neighbor and relatable friend. “Classy,” “a nice guy,” and “graceful” were some of the informal eulogies that came to mind when those in TriBeCa were interviewed.
But very few of these citizens who remembered Kennedy chatting it up with waiters in a neighborhood Greek restaurant, calling the waiters “filo” or “friend,” knew of some of his private ambitions.
Yet while his body was still immersed underwater following the disappearance of his Piper Saratoga off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard on July 16, 1999, friends spoke to Daily News reporter Joel Siegel about JFK Jr.
“He was dedicated to public service and he was going to run for public office in the foreseeable future,” one unidentified friend said. “I would have been surprised had he not run for office in the next five years.”
In fact, Siegel’s article quoted a 1997 poll that JFK Jr. ranked as New York’s “most popular Democrat.” The poll gave the young Kennedy a 65 percent approval rating among fellow Democrats.
But, Siegel wrote, “the idea became moot once First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton signaled her interest in running, but the two friends said they expected the son of the slain President eventually would have jumped into politics as a candidate.”
Friends told Siegel that they discussed the Moynihan seat with them and when one asked Kennedy if he was mulling it over or was dedicated to a run he responded, “I’m not sure. Let me think about it.” Though another described Kennedy as “intrigued by the idea, but “the Hillary thing ended it pretty quickly.”
Though New York’s former Democratic Chairman John Marino did not believe Kennedy would have run, he strongly believed if he did, “It would have been ‘Goodbye, anyone else. This is a guy who everybody recognized who would have had any nomination for the asking.’”
A Washington Post article shortly after JFK Jr.’s death noted that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., RFK’s son, was approached as well for a run in New York, and turned down Moynihan’s seat.
A Tragic Passing
JFK Jr.’s political aspirations, if they were there, sadly would never come to fruition. Married to Carolyn Bessette in 1996, he began taking flying lessons, he earned his pilot’s license two years later. This was reportedly a hobby his mother hoped he would never take up.
But flying was something he enjoyed and on July 16, Kennedy, along with his wife and sister-in-law Lauren left Teterboro Airport in Fairfield, NJ to fly to his cousin’s wedding in Martha’s Vineyard. Though while piloting, Kennedy checked in to Martha’s Vineyard’s FAA Tower, but the plane never touched ground. The search was on and within two days, turned from a rescue to a recovery mission.
As pieces of the wreckage floated to the surface including Lauren Bessette’s suitcase, divers made their way to the bottom of the Atlantic and pulled up the three bodies, with Carolyn and Lauren reportedly near the fuselage and Kennedy said to still be strapped in his seat.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued its report on July 30. Here, it deemed that there was no “in-flight break-up or fire, and no indication of pre-impact failure to the airframe. The recording device that was in the cockpit was found; it was destroyed by impact.” Though some have disputed weather was not ideal that evening, the NTSB noted that there was no report of “significant meteorological conditions” along the flight.

JFK and family pose for a photo during a family weekend in Hyannisport, 1963. Public domain photo by NARA.
Almost a year following the death of the trio, the NTSB’s second and final report noted that the plane, which crashed at approximately 9:41 p.m. that evening had a “probable cause of the accident” due to the “pilot’s failure to maintain control of the airplane during a descent over water at night, which was a result of spatial disorientation. Factors in the accident were haze and the dark night.”
The Duxbury Clipper noted that following the retrieval of the three bodies, they were autopsied and then quietly cremated. Following the cremation in Duxbury’s cemetery crematorium, the remains were taken aboard the U.S.S. Briscoe in Woods Hole, Mass., and scattered by close family members in the view of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’s estate in Gay Head.
“The burial for the 35th president’s son,” noted reporter Paula Maxwell, “was reportedly carried out in keeping with his expressed wishes.”
The Murder Theories Rise in the Death of JFK Jr.
The website HenryMakow.com has explored the mysterious deaths of John F. Kennedy, as well as his son, JFK. Jr. In one article from 2013 entitled, “On the Elimination of Natural Leaders: JFK Jr.,” author L.C. Vincent first credits the publication Media Bypass, a magazine that the author claims was “subverted by the CIA” to breaking the story.
Another person, a pilot on the 9/11 Truth Forum found the original article.
That article, entitled “THE EXPLOSIVE STORY: A second opinion on the Kennedy crash,” quoted Victor Pribanic who was fishing that night, described the sky as “moderately clear.”
“The airplane,” the author wrote, “a Piper Saratoga and its world-renowned pilot and passengers had been identified from JFK Jr.’s call, and their exact location on the radar screen. THEY HAD A FIX ON HIM. And then it all happened. BAM!!”
Pribanic said he “heard a loud impact like a bomb,” which at first he surmised was one of the military bombs off No-Man’s Island. However, he realized that the bomb detonating had stopped years ago and it was also night time.
According to the article, others also witnessed the explosion. They described the “bad weather” diagnosis as a spin from the “managed media,” and fingered the “executive branch of government,” of which Bill Clinton was still leading, including the FBI, NSA, CIA, ISA and NTSB as all in collusion in covering up the death.
Pribanic, the article stated, reported his observations to the West Tisbury Police Department to the point where he said he witnessed the explosion. This was the location as well where debris began washing up and the wreckage and bodies were found several days later.
This article also ties that “This ended the speculation that JFK. Jr. might run for the U.S. Senate seat against Hillary Clinton in New York or against Al Gore, Jr. for the Presidency of the United States in the forthcoming Democratic Primary. Rumor had it that he was going to announce on August 1. Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the Kennedy killing was murder in the first degree?”
Pribanic’s story not only made the alternative media, but landed on Philly.com on July 21, 1999. The headline screamed, Explosion Heard; Plunge Now Called Much Steeper More Dire News.”
“It sounded as if something blew up,” Pribanic was quoted in the article.
He also told reporters that as he was fishing for striped bass in one of the island’s quietest locations he “heard the chilling sound about 10 p.m. in the same vicinity that debris and a piece of luggage from Kennedy’s Piper Saratoga washed up earlier that week.”
Philly.com noted, “The sound seemed to mesh with the picture pieced together by investigators of Kennedy’s final seconds of life behind the wheel of an airplane plummeting into the dark, shark-infested waters off of Martha’s Vineyard.”
The Philly.com article stated, however, that Pribanic described the sky that night as “hazy” and “moonless.”
Pribanic who continued to fish that night until 2:30 a.m. told the press he was a trial attorney who also handled cases with plane crashes and his father worked as an air traffic controller. Once he learned that Kennedy’s plane had downed, he “immediately called local aviation services.” Police, he was told, forwarded his information to the investigators.
HenryMakow.com claims that Media Bypass uncovered a meeting between the Clintons, George H.W. Bush, an agent of the Mossad and the head of the FBI to discover how they could off Kennedy. Among the commonalities, the Makow site noted, was that “there would be no way Hillary would win the Democratic nomination let alone the actual Senate race, and she could kiss her presidential aspirations goodbye if JFK Jr. ran for the New York Senate race.” Bush, according to the Makow website, “had zero desire to see the JFK assassination re-opened, since he was in Dallas on that day…as well as the night before, along with President Johnson, where they dined at the estate of Texas oil tycoon Cliff Murchison, adding the finishing touches to the assassination plot.”
JFK Jr. naturally held a great interest in finding the truth out about his father’s death, which like his ironic own, had its own probe controversy with the muddy Warren Commission investigation.

ST-C22-1-62 04 August 1962 President Kennedy and family, Hyannis Port.
L-R: John F. Kennedy Jr., Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, President Kennedy. Photograph by Cecil Stoughton, White House, in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. The date of this photo also disconnects and debunks that JFK was responsible for the death of Marilyn Monroe, a popular conspiracy theory, who died on the same day this photo was taken, Aug. 4, 1962.
The HenryMakow.com website continues with an article last year by Don Jeffries, calling out JFK Jr.’s death as well as “another Kennedy assassination.”
George Magazine, JFK Jr.’s publication baby, was planning an expose on his father’s assassination. The author also noted that WCVB-TV reporter Steve Sbraccia said in 2006, “I’ve always felt there was something wrong about that crash…from the way the police swept through that beach forcing everyone off – to the way they kept the wreck site closely guarded until they pulled up every bit of debris.”
The author, Don Jeffries, also stated that Sbraccia talked to the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette reporter who also said they saw an explosion in the air.” But according to Jeffries as well, the reporter disappeared as well and the paper does not recall any such reporter or coverage. One of the only articles that surfaced from the publication was from Julia Wells (click here to view) , though within a search string of Kennedy’s name on the site, an article pops up on the Vineyard Gazette “time machine” that President Bill Clinton was up in the Vineyard, only a month following Kennedy’s crash, to play golf with Prince Andrew on August 18, 1999. The following year, Hillary Clinton was fundraising for her senate campaign on the island for a $1,000 per person fundraising event.
The HenryMakow.com article noted that Kennedy called in at 9:39 p.m. for landing instructions, a details that the author now says has been edited out from some sources, though it was reported immediately from mainstream news sources.
The author in the HenryMakow.com article noted that Daniel Patrick Moynihan, whose vacated seat Hillary Clinton eventually assumed, was the cousin of JFK Jr. While that familial tie is unknown, what is known is Moynihan, as was stated in his 2003 obituary (he died following appendectomy surgery from an infection), served under JFK, and was an “enthusiastic supporter.” And like the Kennedys had strong Irish roots. He worked as President John F. Kennedy’s assistant secretary of labor.
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