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New Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program

The Center for Prevention and Counseling in Newton is pleased to offer an Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program beginning June 2015 for youth ages 13-17 years old. Nine hours per week of programming will include a professionally facilitated peer treatment group with a multi-family educational support component.  Participants will gain an understanding of the complex interaction between scientific, social and individual conditions that fuel the development, progression and consequences of substance use disorders.

Programming will focus heavily on the development of pro-social coping skills including improved emotional regulation and effective communication. The group format drives positive peer support through examples as facilitators model appropriate communication and unconditional respect.  Peer support in adolescence is a fundamental and motivating necessity.  This element of peer support, utilized as individuals explore their own substance use history, patterns, triggers and ultimately the impact of their addiction, is an invaluable aspect of a successful treatment experience.  Motivational Enhancement and Cognitive Behavioral Theories are both evidence based treatment frameworks which will be used to move participants through their individualized treatment plans.  Most participants will complete programming in 12-16 weeks.

For additional information or to initiate the intake process, please contact Jane Lupo at (973)383-4787 ext. 234 or email

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