Help Create A World With Less Cancer And More Birthdays — 2014 Relay For Life Greater Sussex County Kick-Off Set for February 7
Sussex County, NJ – Learn how you can join the fight against cancer and the movement to create a world with more birthdays, by attending the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Greater Sussex County Kick-Off on Friday, February 7, 7:00 pm at Sussex County Community College in Newton. Complimentary sweet treats and snacks will be provided as inspiring speakers explain how to get involved with this impactful spring event. The upcoming meetings for those interested in forming teams for this year’s event are scheduled for Tuesdays, Feb 25, March 25 & April 22 at 6;00 p.m., at the Sussex County Community College, Small Cafe, D-Building, Newton.
This overnight event unites the entire community in celebrating those who have had cancer, remembering loved ones lost, and providing an opportunity to fight back against the disease. The Relay For Life of Greater Sussex County will take place on May 17-May 18 at Sussex County Community College. Relay For Life supports the Society’s mission to save lives by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures and by fighting back.
Area residents, organizations and businesses are welcome to form teams of family members, friends and associates, or walk as individuals. Volunteers also are needed to provide their time and talent to ensure the success of this year’s Relay For Life event. For more information, call 1-800-227-2345, email or visit
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