Space and Phoebus: Republican Leader Bramnick is Right – Time is Now for a Special Session on Property Taxes
SUSSEX COUNTY, NJ – Assemblyman Parker Space and Assembly candidate Gail Phoebus support Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick’s call for a Special Legislative Session on property tax reform and relief (
“It is the most important issue in New Jersey,” said Space.
Space and his running mate Phoebus are the Republican nominees for the Assembly in the 24th Legislative District, which encompasses all of Sussex County and parts of Warren and Morris Counties.
“We need new leadership in the Assembly who will make combating high property taxes their top priority – the inequitable system of school funding, low-income housing mandates, unfunded state mandates, urban tax abatement abuses, unfair municipal aid based on politics not need” said Space. “Republican Assembly Members have introduced 78 bills that address property tax relief and the Democrats refuse to post them.”
Space is a prime sponsor of ACR-18, which would provide for a special session of the Legislature to propose and vote on property tax relief and reform (
“The time for talk and Trenton insider games are over; the time for action is now,” said Phoebus. “Democrats have controlled the Assembly since 2002 and they have refused time and time again to reform school funding and reduce property taxes or bring real lasting relief in any meaningful way.”
ACR-18 is simple concurrent resolution that states:
The presiding officer of each House of the Legislature shall convene a special session of that house, within seven days of final passage of this concurrent resolution, which shall be devoted solely to consideration of the issue of property tax relief and reform in this State and which shall devise and consider ways of implementing that relief and reform. The presiding officer and the minority leader of each house shall each present bills to be considered by that house at the special session and each such bill shall be voted on by the members of that house.
“I wholeheartedly support the special session as a mechanism to bring legislation covering education funding, tax reform, spending cuts for a vote so we can slay the property tax beast,” stated Phoebus. “I applaud Parker and the other sponsors for their work on this resolution and look forward to working towards its passage.”
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Paid for by Parker Space for Assembly, PO Box 263, Sussex, NJ 07461 &
Gail Phoebus for Assembly, PO Box 26, Sparta, NJ 07871, SpaceandPhoebusforAssembly@
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