Parker Space and Gail Phoebus Thank 24th District Voters
Dear Editor,
We would like to thank the voters who nominated us to represent the Republican Party in the General Election for State Assembly this November. We look forward to bringing our campaign to all of the people of 24th Legislative District, made up of all of Sussex County, eleven towns in Warren County, and Mt. Olive in Morris County.
We appreciate the support of so many people. We are thankful for the support of all those who fight for honest and open government, for transparency and reform. Supporters of the Second Amendment were especially helpful, as were those who support lower taxes, less government, and traditional values. We pledge to stand with you when we vote in Trenton.
We want to thank the New Jersey Herald, radio station WRNJ, the Skylands Tea Party group, and Warren County’s Mark Quick, for hosting the candidate debates that enabled all the candidates to communicate directly to the voters, to give them the information they needed to make an educated choice. We look forward to discussing the issues with our Democrat opponents at similar forums this autumn.
We also want to congratulate the Republican nominees for Sussex County Freeholder, Mayor Carl Lazzaro and Mayor Jonathan Rose. They pulled off a major upset last Tuesday. We trust that they will continue to ask tough questions and get to the bottom of things.
Finally, we want to acknowledge the efforts of everyone who put their name forward and ran in last Tuesday’s election. Win or lose, you played an important part in our democratic process.
Thank you,
Parker Space
Gail Phoebus
Paid for by Parker Space for Assembly & Gail Phoebus for Assembly
PO Box 263, Sussex, NJ 07461, www.spaceandphoebus4assembly.
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