We All Need To Grow Up

By Steven Reilly
It is sad that Franklin Councilman David Fanale has such an immature attitude towards law enforcement. In a recent interview posted on NJ Insidescene.com, he speaks against the failed War on Drugs and antiquated mandatory sentencing laws, although he offers no solutions.
He relates our society to the fictional world of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand in which government strips individuals of liberty.
What is even more troubling are Fanale’s comments about his recent “enlightenment” about law enforcement and his sense of lost liberties.
“I am 47 years old and I am just coming around…I am still growing,” Fanale said.
It must of been a wonderful world for Fanale. In those 47 years the “model citizen” never had the need for the services of a police officer.
That is not true for everyone.
Fanale launched his hate-filled attack on cops after a traffic stop in Roxbury. Fanale said that the Roxbury police officers were abusive to him and his female passenger, who is now traumatized by the experience.
“She cringes every time she passes a cop now,” Fanale said.
Maybe these two model citizens should speak to an African American about encounters with police. Or hispanics, or any person who looks like they are from the Middle East.
What is even more troubling is that Fanale assumes because he is a white male living in a high-income area that he shouldn’t be subject to such abuses.
Fanale said he entered politics as a Fox News Neo-Con who “dressed up and went to dinners” with State Senators and high ranking Republicans.
When he was pulled over by the Roxbury police, he said he didn’t want to “drop names” and let the cops think he was a “working slug in a shitbox (sic) truck.”
It is troubling when abuses and corruption are only looked at when a privileged white male is the victim, and the same abuses against other races and creeds are ignored.
Fanale wants the Roxbury Chief of Police to explain to him “why” the two officers who stopped him are not going to be disciplined for his perceived injuries.
But Fanale must get in line behind the millions of people who have been injured by the injustice that exists in the world today.
I am not defending police officers, but I am also not condemning them either.
I didn’t grow up in Sussex County, I was born and raised in Newark. I mention this because I am no stranger to police encounters, from local officers to county sheriffs up to State Troopers.
They were not always a pleasant encounter, for me that is. But to be honest, they were justified.
It taught me a very important lesson, be honest and respectful.
As it turns out, when you do that, police officers are 99 percent honest and respectful back.
I still had to accept responsibility for whatever I did, but I was treated fairly, even when I was being harassed and abused.
I say these things because I get the impression that Fanale grew up in a very sheltered environment.
Fanale’s shelter was blown away that night in Roxbury.
Now the former Fox News Neo-Con proclaims himself to be an Ayn Rand Anarchist.
He is too late.
Fanale enjoyed the fruits of the system he is now attacking for his entire life. He worked for the Republican Party and helped build the injustice that infests our society. He said he was a volunteer firefighter, an EMT and a certified paramedic.
He claims he worked as a police dispatcher and is friends with cops and even the Sussex County Sheriff. He says this as he makes anti-gay remarks during his interview to fight injustice.
Now, after his enlightenment brought about by a confrontation with cops, he advocates for a world with no police departments.
It is sad that it took Fanale 47 years to grow up to the reality that the world is not fair.
What is even more troubling is that he doesn’t know what to do about it.
It is sad that he is an elected official with the power to pass laws and impact individuals lives.
But more to the point, it is terrifying is that he is not alone.
There are more Fanales in elected office who share his racist viewpoints, they just haven’t been stopped by the Roxbury police department, yet.
Editor’s Note: The viewpoints in this article are the writer’s and may or may not be the viewpoints of NJInsideScene.com.
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