Endorsement for Marie Bilik for Assembly – Says Plans to Focus on Reform and Fair School Funding
Dear Editor,
Primary elections are important.
Marie Bilik is a true conservative running for the State Assembly Seat in the 24th Legislative District and I wholeheartedly endorse her candidacy.
Marie knows that the State doesn’t just spend money – the State burns money. Marie believes that we must finally reform property taxes – rather than just talk about it. Marie will not support a ‘gas tax’ or any new tax. Marie believes, as I do, that there is still plenty of wasteful spending going on in Trenton and somebody has got to do something about it.
Marie believes in less testing and more education. Speaking of education, as the largest percent of our tax dollar are spent on education, doesn’t it make sense to send someone to Trenton who can conduct a meaningful conversation about restoring fair funding to our schools?
We need and deserve a strong advocate in Trenton, someone who really cares about our way of life. Marie will listen and will respond to the residents and businesses of the 24th. Marie will be an articulate Assemblywoman with an honest common sense approach. We definitely need more of that in Trenton.
I will be voting for Marie Bilik on Tuesday, June 2nd.
Molly Whilesmith
The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of the author and may or may not reflect the views of the Sparta Township Council.
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