Character Counts at Tulsa Trail School

Hopatcong, NJ –
Character Counts at Tulsa Trail School. This year at Tulsa Trail, we will be “Connecting with Character,” using the Character Counts Program for Character Education. The school kicked off the new theme with a ribbon cutting ceremony on October 7, 2013 to dedicate the main hallway as Respect Avenue. This event coincided with the Week of Respect, which was celebrated across New Jersey. All Tulsa Trail students and staff participated in the dedication ceremony. Salah Ibrahim was honored to cut the ribbon for the event, modeling a person who shows respect to others.

Salah Ibrahim cuts the ribbon, held by Adam
Ollerenshaw, for the dedication ceremony.
The Character Counts theme will be implemented at Tulsa Trail School across the curriculum, with components in all subject and special areas. Lisa Schuffenhauer, School Counselor, received a grant from the Hopatcong Education Association to purchase different colored t-shirts for each classroom. Each color stands for one of the six pillars of character. Art teacher Britt Huss helped the students design a rainbow to decorate the Character Counts t-shirts. The students in rainbow t-shirts filled the hallway at the ceremony. Students will wear the t-shirts throughout the year to celebrate the pillars and the great school spirit at
Tulsa Trail!
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