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Byram Township Officials Offer Residents Workshop to Shape Economic Future

BYRAM TOWNSHIP, NJ  – As work on Byram’s Sustainable Economic Development Plan continues, residents, neighbors, and visitors of the Township are being invited to attend a public workshop at 7:30 pm on Monday, September 28.

Township Planner Paul Gleitz will host the workshop session, with assistance from the Plan Steering Committee and Township Planning Board. The focus of the evening will be to look at Byram’s economic strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) and gain valuable information from participants. This will be done through carefully crafted questions and exercises, including breakout sessions focused on topics such as economic assets and challenges, biggest economic competitors, downtown appearance and economic diversity. The results of these exercises will be utilized to:

  • Assist in determining Byram Township’s economic goals
  • Review and establish Township assets upon which to build
  • Assist in overcoming existing challenges which may be impeding economic success because of unrealistic expectation

The primary focus of this evening, the first of two workshops to be held, will be the SWOT analysis. Participants will also be looking to identify a number of economic development goals and objectives to be addressed in the final Economic Development Plan, with an eye toward developing some sort of benchmarks that can be incorporated into the Implementation Plan for
continuing monitoring and measuring for success.

A second public workshop, scheduled for Tuesday, October 27 at 7:30 pm, will expand upon the results obtained in this first session, incorporating information obtained through the Sustainable Economic Development Plan online survey, currently available to Byram’s residents, neighbors and visitors at

Byram’s Sustainable Economic Development Plan is being created for use in the long-termed economic planning and development for the Township. The Plan Steering Committee consists of nine members representing the Township Council, Planning Board, Economic Development Advisory Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Open Space Committee, and Environmental Commission. The study is being done under the guidance of Township Planner Paul Gleitz of Latini & Gleitz, and consultant Mark Lohbauer of the JGSC Group, a proactive economic strategy group specializing in development, redevelopment and revitalization of communities.

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