Franklin Council President Announces Mayoral Run
FRANKLIN BOROUGH, NJ – Franklin was founded by people who knew that we must always embrace the future; we were a place of seismic change that would see safety, technology and hard work build from the fires of a furnace to the borough we are today.
We were a community of many; our residents toiled in great mines that run below us today; Volunteers built the parks we enjoy on nights and weekends; while others laid the foundations to the town we have today. We were a diverse and hardworking town.
Look around at the people here today and see that we are still a community that is diverse and hardworking.
But the landscape has changed over the years
Our factories and mine have been replaced with vacant stores, our roads have become more traveled, our Pond in disrepair.
Allow me to introduce myself…
My name is Nicholas Giordano and I was first elected to the council in 2010. I am a lifelong resident of Franklin; I was born here, grew up here, and my wife Jennifer and I are proud to call Franklin our home. Many of you know my family or me.
Several years ago I realized that Franklin was beginning to lose the things that made this historically rich borough a community; first our Neighborhood House, our hospital, Main Street businesses to name a few. I realized that if I was not part of the solution, I was part of the problem. I became more involved with the Taxpayers Association, attending as many town meetings as I could, and volunteering around town. As a taxpayer, my questions weren’t being answered. So I ran for council and won convincingly. Working hard as a councilman I found more and more those same questions are still unanswered.
Now, current 2015 Council President, I strive to make decisions for the betterment of the community. But more and more I find the direction of the Borough dictated by personal politics, NOT what is best for the Borough and our residents. A change is needed, after 7 years the borough needs to find a new direction.
With those words said, I am officially announcing my candidacy for the Office of Mayor in Franklin Borough
Unlike my opponent I will support:
Strong Public safety
Support the hard working volunteers in out Fire Department and Ambulance squads.
Support our schools by demanding our tax dollars be used in OUR schools, not taken away as tuition to the county.
Put our interests first and NOT accept and PAC contributions.
I will work hard to bring grants to Franklin to pave the streets and improve Main Street.
Seek reductions in all of our professional services costs by instituting yearly bidding.
Work hard to keep arm twisting politics and personal attacks out of our leadership to make sure personal politic don’t trump the good and welfare of our borough.
And most importantly, seek open and honest government, listening to what the people want.
Thank you
Nicholas Giordano
If you’d like to ask questions or help our campaign, please contact me at
Volunteers are encouraged and greatly appreciated.
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