On My Mind: Terroristic Acts in New Jersey Including the Murder of Brendan Tevlin

NEW JERSEY – A family member of mine sent me a Facebook message the other day, extremely upset about a radio broadcast on WPLJ, because she was so frightened and angry to learn about the murder of Brendan Tevlin being terrorist-related, by a person whose terrorist activities were noted about a decade ago.
The Brendan Tevlin story is not currently on my normal reporting beat, however, after I learned of his death, I did what I could to help disseminate information. West Essex NOW, a publication run by one of my former colleagues, has followed Brendan’s murder, including several stories about the three murder suspects.
I shared some stories about Brendan’s murder on our site’s Facebook Page, after West Essex NOW published them. I also shared information about the search for the suspects after they were video taped.
However, the topic of ISIS and domestic terrorism has been a recent writing of mine, and the presence of terrorist threats in New Jersey specifically. I wrote about the terrorists in New Jersey from the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the flying of the ISIS flag in Garwood, and the 2010 acceptance of Sharia Law from one of New Jersey’s courts, which permitted a man to not have a restraining order pressed against him for abuse of his wife, because the mistreatment was part of his religion (thankfully, our State overturned this monstrosity ruling).
Had I known that Brendan Tevlin’s death was terrorist related, I would have certainly been vocal about that in my last article. So, now is the opportunity.
What my relative’s concern was, and it was something that Todd Pettengill of WPLJ shared with his listeners, is that the motivation behind the death of Brendan Tevlin has been whitewashed. I agree with Mr. Pettengill. Click below to hear Todd Pettengill’s personal opinions on the topic of 9/11, and domestic terrorism, specifically the death of Brendan Tevlin. Here was the murderer a terrorist, who was camping out in the South Mountain Reservation, the mass of land in West Orange where many, including my relative and I both have enjoyed recreational activities, such as taking our children to the Turtle Back Zoo, which is nearby.
“Domestic terrorism is already here, and no one is talking about it,” Pettengill said.
While many media outlets have been reporting that Tevlin was “targeted,” meaning that the trio was following him and he was involved somehow in the catalyst of his own death, it would have been better and more clearly stated that it was a random killing. The media and the commentators on many articles have spun out of control, making it appear as if Brendan had any affiliation with these degenerates who killed him. Brendan was an innocent slain, for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and simply, for being American.
Nothing could be further from the truth of the spins, and comments I’ve seen, even some alleging that Brendan was involved in something sinister to have been killed. Brendan Tevlin was an upstanding 19-year-old young man, who was a graduate of Seton Hall Preparatory School, heading into his sophomore year at the University of Richmond, was highly involved in his school’s lacrosse club, was a bagpiper with the Essex County Shillelagh Pipes and Drums, and was a youth dedicated to his family and friends.

Brendan Tevlin in this photo from Seton Hall Prep, was misclassified in media reports as having been targeted, when his killing was a random domestic terrorist act.
Pettengill asked his listeners to “imagine this [Tevlin] was your child, your son or daughter. Innocent of everything and anything. How would you feel when you turn on the television or listen to the radio or read the newspaper and see rioting in the streets of other shootings, if there was ever a reason to riot in the streets in the name of humanity, it would be for this case. But has that happened? No. And I’m not suggesting that it should. What did the friends and family of Brendan Tevlin do? They had a candlelight vigil. What I’m suggesting should happen is this should be talked about, and the American people should know. Why is Eric Holder not visiting the Tevlin Family? Why is the President not going to mention Brendan Tevlin tonight? He was a young boy killed for being an American.”
Not once has Brendan Tevlin’s name publicly crossed our President’s lips. Yet he was a casualty of terrorism.
This was a young man who was grounded and good, who had a future ahead of him, which was snuffed out by three twisted young men, Ali Muhammad Brown, Jeremy Villagran, and Eric Williams, ages 30, 19, and 18 respectfully.
Ali Muhammad Brown has already been charged previously with a hate crime, having murdered a same-sex couple, and another man, in Washington State. His next victim was Brendan Tevlin.
Brown’s rationale for the murders, including Brendan Tevlin’s? He is vengeful over actions in Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, and his mindset, that he told Essex County Prosecutors, is it’s a “life for a life.”
According to The Seattle Times, Brown was already suspected to be raising hell in New Jersey, as reported on July 2. No one in Seattle at that time was explaining a motive, but noted Brown was “extremely dangerous.” They suspected he was in New Jersey at that time, though the article did not connect him to Tevlin’s death, who was slain on June 25, Brown was instead connected to an armed robbery in Point Pleasant Beach.
Brown has a previous criminal history, including inappropriate activities with a minor that required his registration as a sex offender, something he also failed to do. Brown was also previously imprisoned for defrauding major banks in 2004, and has eight counts of fraud, at which time his terrorist ties were noted.
Brown’s Facebook Page is telling. His last public like on Facebook was to like the Facebook Page, “Remove the PAGE “ALLAH IS A CRIMINAL.” Some of his likes on Facebook additionally include: “I need Allah in My Life,” “The Muslim Family,” “I Believe in Allah,” “Prophet Muhammad (SAW) the greatest man in history,” and “I Believe in Allah.”

Ali Mohammad Brown smiling down in a selfie. He is a proclaimed terrorist with known ties since 2004, who murdered 19-year-old New Jerseyan Brendan Tevlin. Image courtesy of Facebook.
He also belongs to groups such as “Uk muslims,” and “ENOUGH! Islamaphobia.”
Yet, Ali Mohammad Brown, who referred to himself as “Ali Brown” on Facebook, and hid behind a saccharine smile, compounded with his muscles and tank top in his selfie, kept that side from the public and blended in, in stealth jihad that I had referred to in my previous article. However, his belief system was recognized a decade ago, when he was arrested for his fraudulent activities.
According to the article about the 2004 raid, Brown was part of an “anti-American training ground for Muslims,” where jihad and anti-American sentiments were the topics.
“Maybe it was more important for authorities to let people know that there was a terrorist on the loose,” Pettengill added. “Did they do that? No.”
“Domestic terrorism is already here, and we need to talk about it,” Pettengill said. “Domestic terrorism, no matter what the President says, is here.”
Pettengill said that people need to take it personally, after a child in one of our neighborhoods, Brendan Tevlin was taken by this vicious act, simply because he was an American.
Petengill was right…President Obama has not commented about Brendan Tevlin.
When is our President and when is Eric Holder going to speak up about the boy’s death? When are other members of our government going to raise their voices on this topic?
And, what about accomplices Jeremy Villagran and Eric Williams…when will potential terrorist ties be explored with these two, who willingly accompanied a man who they knew was on a mission of Jihad?
We need to continue to question our President as well, with his inappropriate commentary about ISIS overall. Stating that ISIS is not Islamic, and all of his other inappropriate mishandlings of this crisis. President Obama’s approval rating is slipping, and it’s no wonder, because his administration is not showing strength at all, and is leaving our nation vulnerable to terrorism on our own soil and beyond.
ISIS is laughing at us because of the Obama Administration’s unwillingness to listen to advisors who are telling them what to do. ISIS thinks this is all so funny, members even created a cake to “celebrate” 9/11, with a rendition of the Twin Towers, with two planes plunging into them.
If our President, his advisors, and the chain down was taking this seriously, Brendan Tevlin would have never been murdered. This would have been averted after 2004, when it was learned this dangerous Ali Muhammad Brown was engaging in jihadist activities.
They should all take a clue from Colonel Allen West, who said that the system that ISIS represents, though our President states ISIS is not connected to it, has been in force since the 600 century AD.
West said it is important to learn and read the books of the jihadists, to understand their mission, something that our President has not educated himself on.
“Until you get principal leadership in the United States of America that is willing to say that, we will continue to chase our tail,” said West.
If one really wants to learn about the slip ups from the Obama Administration on this topic, one should follow the writings of West, who has already picked out that President Obama is aiding this Islamic cause, as well as shielding Hezbollah forces that have already attacked Americans.
West has referred to President Obama as “treasonous.”
We need to stop sweeping terrorism under the rug and candy coating it. It’s starting at the top, and making its way down. We need to be vigilant and ready. We need to take this seriously. Because they are killing Americans, and our American children on our own soil.
Not to mention elsewhere, and the reaction of our Federal Government has been inappropriate.
Case in point, James Foley, who I had discussed in my first article on ISIS. James Foley’s death was a result because the U.S. Government told James Foley’s family, according to a CNN report, that if his family paid the ransom to have their son, they could be prosecuted. The Foley family was also told that the “government would not exchange prisoners.” The family also told not to “go to the media” or have military action taken. John Kerry claims he was unaware of this claim from James Foley’s mother.
But how could Kerry be unaware of it? The National Security Agency stated to CNN that, “the law is clear that ransom payments to designated individuals or entities such as ISIL are prohibited.”
Can you imagine as a parent being told that if you gave ransom for the return of your child from evil hands you’d face prosecution?
Well, then is Obama administration going to prosecute itself for the release of five Taliban murderers in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl? Granted, it is wonderful one of our sons is home, but isn’t the Obama administration speaking out of both sides of its mouth? Isn’t that transaction the same as paying ransom to groups such as ISIS?
On My Mind: Reiterating terrorism is here, and we need to speak about this and speak about this strongly. We cannot allow this subject to be sugar-coated, and need to be strong in our stance against those who harm Americans, and tromp on our freedoms. We also need to encourage our Federal and State governments to be vigilant in cornering known terrorism on this soil and extinguishing it. We need to continue to speak about 9/11, Brendan Tevlin, James Foley, Steven Sotloff, and all other deaths, that are not just murders, but acts of terror. How many other murders in this country have been acts of terror, but not been disclosed as such to the public?
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