Oroho, McHose, & Space Tout the Triple Crown Endorsements From the State’s Largest Small Business Organizations

Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose and Assemblyman Parker Space were pleased today to accept the endorsements of three of the largest organizations representing business owners in New Jersey. The three conservative legislators are running for re-election in New Jersey’s 24th Legislative District, which encompasses all of Sussex County and parts of Warren and Morris Counties.
The National Federation of Independent Business/New Jersey’s Save America’s Free Enterprise Trust (NFIB/NJ’s SAFE Trust); the New Jersey Organization for a Better State (NEW JOBS), the political arm of the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA); and the Private Enterprise PAC (PENPAC) of the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey, all endorsed Senator Oroho, Assemblywoman McHose, and Assemblyman Space.
“The upcoming election will be a pivotal day for the small businesses of New Jersey,” said Laurie Ehlbeck, NFIB State Director. “It’s one thing to talk about small business. It’s another thing to make the tough votes that matter to small businesses. That is why we support Senator Oroho and Assembly Members McHose and Space. Their election is not only critical to the small-business owners in District 24, but also to protecting free enterprise across the state.”
“In these difficult economic times, it has never been more important to elect and retain pro-business candidates and legislators who understand the needs of business,” said David Brogan, Executive Director of NEW JOBS.
“Our endorsements are not based on party affiliation,” Brogan added, “but rather, the willingness of each candidate to lower the cost of doing business, strengthen the business climate, and create jobs in our great State. We thank the endorsed incumbent legislators for their hard work and their commitment to the economic viability of our State.”
In announcing PENPAC’s endorsement of Oroho, McHose, and Space, John Galandak, President of the Commerce and Industry Association and a resident of Sussex County, said “As New Jersey rebuilds its economy, it is important to elect officials who will not burden our businesses with new taxes and regulations, and who will assist employers in the creation of private sector jobs. It is through lower taxes and the creation of jobs that New Jersey’s economy will grow and prosper.”
“Alison, Parker and I are glad to have the support of small business owners from Sussex, Warren and Morris Counties — and from across New Jersey,” said Oroho. “They recognized our hard work to make New Jersey more competitive in attracting capital investment which is the foundation for job creation.”
“Our ‘triple crown’ endorsement by business groups is a reflection of their appreciation for our lead in promoting legislation to cut government red tape, reduce burdensome taxes, and create a more business friendly atmosphere to create jobs,” said Space, himself a successful small business owner.
“Steve, Parker, and I have shown a willingness to not only work across the political aisle but to work with both business and labor on issues in order to revive our economy and promote a healthy business environment,” said McHose. “By working together, we will create jobs and economic prosperity in New Jersey.
In addition to these three major endorsements announced today, Senator Oroho was earlier endorsed by the New Jersey State Building & Construction Trades Council.
Visit: www.district24taxpayerteam.com
Paid for by Oroho For Senate, Friends of Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose, Parker Space for Assembly
115 Demarest Road, Suite 3, Sparta, New Jersey 07871, 973-300-3338 Phone, 973-300-3339 Fax
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