Hopatcong Theft
HOPATCONG – A homeowner came home to find that someone broke a small glass portion to her front door. She called the police right away. It appeared that the burglar broke the small portion of glass to stick their hand through. They then used the key that was still inserted into the dead bolt lock on the inside of the door to unlock the door and go in. The following was taken:
– 1 large jug shaped green piggy bank with a cork in the hole in the top. Written in white lettering on the front is “Lottery Money”
– A gold heart necklace
– A gold diamond necklace
– A gold wedding band with a weave pattern
– 2 Pair of gold earrings
– A Three stone diamond necklace
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Hopatcong Police Department.
If you do have a deadbolt lock keyed on both the inside and outside please do not leave the key in the lock. Use a nail and hang the key on it a few feet from the door and low to the ground so you can get to it if you were crawling during a fire. If you have young ones, Have them practice getting the key while crawling and using it to open the door. Perhaps in this situation the burglar would have reached in and found that the deadbolt was keyed on the inside and may have left rather then taking the chance of breaking another window.
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