Advertise Your Business on for Less Than the Daily Cost of Your Morning Cup of Coffee!
Would you like to increase the visibility of your business, and connect with people in the area who can potentially benefit from your products and services?
What would you say if I told you there is a way that you can do it, starting at approximately .40 cents to .83 cents a day for the whole year?
Here at we can help you to grow your business and increase your visibility at just those costs for one year with our inaugural advertising rates!
That’s way less than that cup of coffee you might pick up on your way to work in the morning! And even our premium packages are still way less than what you’d pay for one of those premium coffee drinks your barista whips up for you.
What benefits do you get for your business for around .83 cents a day?
You will get 12 months of advertising on our site plus, your own listing in our business directory! The ad consists of a 150X150 ad that we design for you for the site at no extra cost and clicks through to your website. Your ad will be located on our front page. In our business directory, readers can see your logo identifying your brand, plus a summary of your business and contact information, and a link to your website. Additionally, we will market your site on our social media channels, including a special twice-monthly plug about your business. We share with our readers, timely information, including sales and more that you might be offering. All this for only $300 for the year, or about .83 cents a day!

Enjoy advertising benefits with daily costs less than what you pay for your morning cup of coffee. Photo by Jennifer Jean Miller.
This is way less than what some sites charge you for one ad for the month, and some publications charge you for one print ad.
Our 12-month package with our business directory only, offers you prominence with your own business directory listing…plus, we keep visitors to our site apprised about your business on there, all for about .40 daily for the year.
We have some other great packages as well to suit all needs, interests and budgets.
How do you get started? Simply click here to go to our homepage, look under my photo on the right hand side, and click “Advertise with Us.” It will take you to the screen to prepay your selection, for our 12-month terms (best offers), or six-month terms for advertising plus business directory listing, or the business directory listing itself. Check out our special combination packages too, and our competitive pricing for our leaderboard ads (please email before purchasing as they are limited).
If you’d rather email your logo than insert your logo URL as specified in the instructions, you can send to us at
If your business is a municipality…also email us from your municipal email address…you can enroll in this program absolutely free! We here at know already how stretched municipal budgets are and we don’t want our towns and citizens to pay any more than they already are. Once you do, we will post your information directly onto the site for you!
We also now have classified ads, only $10 per month per ad…first, register to use our site (below my picture too), then at the top of the page, go to “Community Resources,” then “Classifieds,” then “Place an Ad.” Our ads run for one month and we advertise them for you four times during that month (once weekly), to share with our readers, on our social media channels.
These rates are affordable, whether you are a for-profit or not for profit business, and are valid for the business directory listings and click through ads, now through Tuesday June 15 only! So enroll now so you don’t miss these great inaugural rates!
Seeking other more specialized targeted marketing solutions to connect you to potential customers in the community? Contact us about other ways that we can help with your public relations needs, through’s parent company, JJ Avenue Productions. I have been known as a trusted media professional for many years in Northern New Jersey, and have the experience, dedication, and connections, to help you grow your business! This publication, has been nominated twice for the New Business Award for the Sussex County Economic Development Partnership, twice since we launched…and we are less than a year young! I can assist you with growing your online presence, as well as your presence in print through the relationships I hold with print media publications in the area. With the other half of my team, Jason Kennedy, we can round out your public relations program with web design and more.
Email me at: or call (862) 354-1675, with any questions.
Get ready for your business to grow, with and JJ Avenue Productions!
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