Hopatcong Rite Aid Employee Saves Resident from Scam
HOPATCONG, NJ – A woman received a phone call from “JCP&L” who told her that her business did not pay the electric bill and their electricity will be shut off. She was told to go get a Green Dot MoneyPak for $400.00, scratch off the numbers, call him back and read him those numbers.
The manager of the Hopatcong Rite Aid asked the customer what the money was for and she told him. He advised her of this popular scam. She did not get the Green scam moneypak and she did not lose her money. If you go into the Hopatcong Rite Aid please be sure to tell them thank you in helping stop these thieves.
Now I KNOW some people get offended when asked, Why are you getting a Green Dot Money Pak or sending money Western Union? It is America. We are free to do what we want and send money to who we want. Yes that is true and you can simply say, “Thank you sir, I know who this is going to and it isn’t a scam”. But make sure IT ISN’T A SCAM. This woman was not a senior citizen. She was tired and had a mix up with the real JCP&L in the past. She was not in the “SCAM” frame of mind that I want all of you to always be in. If manager Jeff Ledford did not say anything a criminal would be $400.00 richer. Thanks Jeff
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