Hopatcong Woman’s Club gets cultural lessons from Hawaiian native
HOPATCONG- The Hopatcong Woman’s Club was treated to an enjoyable and informational talk on the islands of Hawaii by Mahaelani (goes by Gail Small in the US), a native of the island of Oahu, following the November regular meeting at the Senior Center in Hopatcong. While it is bitterly cold outside here in NJ, members and guests were transported via slideshow and artifacts, to the history, beauty and culture of a much warmer climate. Discussion of the four major islands: Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii (the big island) was followed by a Hawaiian-themed luncheon, and most members wore their best Hawaiian clothing, including some grass skirts and coconuts! At the conclusion, Ms. Small did a traditional Hawaiian hula dance, complete with an explanation and interpretation of every hand and body movement, which was a special treat.
Mahaelani can be reached through her Web site www.hawaiianislandlectures.com.
Food Collection
Food Banks are in continuous need of non-perishable food items and the Women’s Club has four Hopatcong locations at which donations are currently being accepted: The Hopatcong Post Office, Borough Hall, Skylands Medical Group, and Sovereign Bank (no glass please). We would like to thank the local community for the over 3,125 lbs. of food that has been collected by November, and look forward to providing for those in need throughout the upcoming Holiday season through the West Side Methodist Church. A big thank you to (member) Carolyn and Tom Lynch for their untiring efforts in supporting this worthy cause throughout the years.
Annual Fashion Show
Look for more details soon, but save the date! The Hopatcong Woman’s Club Annual Fashion Show will this year be hosted by Perona Farms and the date will be April 27th, 2014
Hopatcong Women’s Club General Information
The Hopatcong Woman’s Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month (next meeting, Wednesday, December 18) at the Hopatcong Senior Center on Lakeside Blvd. at 10:30am.
All local women looking to form new friendships and to find a special niche or pet project of interest to them are encouraged to contact Membership Chairperson Selma Reichert at 973-770-4989. To learn more about the NJSFWC (New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs), visit the Federation website at www.njsfwc.org and to learn more about the GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs), visit www.gfwc.org
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