Hardyston Family Shares Why They Plan to Vote for Marie Bilik
Dear Editor,
This is a letter to all potential voters. If you are a registered voter, but unaffiliated with a political party, you can go to the polls Tuesday, June 2 and vote. You can call your municipal clerk to locate your voting location. Make no mistake, this is a very very important election. This is the first time since 2007 we have a real opportunity to pick the best candidate possible to send to Trenton with Senator Oroho. He needs assistance and fighting for the fight of the residents of the 24th legislative district.
Our choice for the best qualified candidate is Marie Bilik. Marie Bilik is a proven leader. She started out as a field rep and worked her way up to the executive director of the NJ School Board Association. Marie Bilik was extremely passionate in assisting volunteer school board members to learn and understand the education process. She has saved the Association millions of dollars consolidating staff and consolidating office space. Marie Bilik represents responsible, moral dignified conservative leadership. Those of you who attended the debates understand her position on the issues. She is running a clear and issues oriented campaign.
Wendy and Chris Molner
Hardyston Township
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